Friday, February 1, 2008

Trouble in 08'...

I was going through the blogs once again and somehow this one caught my eye. It's about someone discussing the matter of the 2008 election and how he or she wants a democrat to win instead rebublican. He or she wants a republican, who isn't that great or well-known because a democrat can beat them. They discuss that if Hillary is picked for the Democrat side then the republican will def. win because no one likes her, which I don't get. Truthfully I don't watch a lot of television and so I don't know anything about the 2008 election. So what’s so bad about Hillary? I'm not defender or anything, I just honestly no nothing about the issue. All I know is ALOT of people disagree with her. But anyways back to the subject... If Obama gets chosen for the democrat then they will lose for the experience that he lacks. Which I agree! So he or she goes on saying if democrats lose, they are to blame, for the republicans are making some smart decisions and are picking the best person to win. Which is how you do it, there is no other way. Why would the democrats not do the same? It's a common strategy!!

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