Thursday, February 14, 2008

University shooting!

Later tonight while ordering a drink at milano's, I looked at the tv and was shocked of what I saw. There was a shooting at Norhern Illinious University earlier today! It was a guy in a black trench coat, who was carrying a rifle and a pistol with him. He shoot eleven students and three were cristical, then turning the gun on himself. So far thats all they said and don't know if anyone other than the shooter who had died. They're not sure what the story behind this but it's uasually the same; getting picked on and he or she is tired of it. But to think about it, it has been mostly guys and not girls. Actually every shooting I've heard of ever, it's been with guys. Well anyways after watching that and the Memphis shooting earlier, it made me think is any school actually safe? Can any school actaully keep students from these events? These shootings happen randomly and no on ever knows about it. In memphis there has been to many and now there are happening in the universities. One that happened last semester, the one in memephis also last semester and the one that happened today. How do people get so mad at someone they want to end up killing them and ruin their life as well? It's just unbelievable! It's really scary just thinking about it!!

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