Friday, February 1, 2008

which one to pick...

Well i was looking through the memphis blogs to figure out one to write about and one just caught my eye. Maybe because of the picture of hillary bitting a baby but hey it got me reading.
Well the blog is about someone trying to make a decision who to vote for in the 2008 election. They don't want to bote for Hillary because he or she is tired of the whole Bush and Clinton switch off. They decided they want a change but also he or she wants a reason to vote for Obama, instead of just voting for him because he or she disagrees with the Clintons. They want more details so they can surport Obama and vote for him for the right reasons. They discuse how unity should't be a issue and gives an example by saying" Everybody shows up to the kegger happy, but if there's only a six-pack." Which i def. agree with! Even though someone might not like one of the candates, if they are smart and have good reasons to run this country then maybe they are the right person for the job. It's whatever is best for the country and who will run it the best!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

I'm not all into the presidental issues but i do agree with you that our next president should be picked by who is the best to run our country, not by what they have heard from other people or by voting for someone just because another person is. Our country needs to be ran right.